WM-ASSP members tour Michigan Star Worksite MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll Star Worksite
- Left – Victor Pazarro, CSP, MillerKnoll & right- -Rich DeLeau, BHS Insurance
- The Spine at MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
- MillerKnoll
Michigan Chapters of the ASSP Sign Alliance Agreement w/MIOSHA
West Michigan ASSP along with our the other two Michigan chapters renewed our alliance with MIOSHA. The ceremonial signature event took place on Tuesday, 23rd, 2022 at the Great Lakes Safety Training Center in Midland, MI. The purpose of the alliance is to “…recognize the value of establishing a collaborative relationship to foster safer and more healthful Michigan workplaces.”

2021-22 Chapter Platinum Award
The West Michigan ASSP Chapter receives Platinum Level Recognition Award for 2021-22, second year back-to-back! Chapter President Rich DeLeau said, “We could not have achieved Platinum Level recognition had it not been for everyone working together; month in and month out to providing outstanding service. I want to thank each and every one for your valuable contributions. Riding on this momentum, I wish everyone much success this program year.”