2021 WMASSP VII Annual Chapter Student Scholarship Golf Outing
Grainger Team wins First-place prize of 4 rounds of golf at the Meadows. Winners of the “Longest Drive” and “Closest to the Pin” received $25 for the Meadows Clubhouse.
- Women’s Closest-to-the-Pin contest winner: Mindy Curtiss with Team Miller. Mindy won a Meadows Clubhouse $25.00 gift certificate. L-R: Mindy Curtiss, Lauren Miller, Spencer Choi and David Guerink
- Men’s Closest-to-the-Pin contest winner: Jim (Bubba) Brandt with the B-Team. “Bubba” won a Meadow’s $25.00 gift certificate. L-R: Jim Brandt, Brain Becker, Brian Becker, JR, and Randall Becker.
- Men’s Longest Drive contest winner: Jourdan DeLeau with Team DeLeau. Jourdan won a Meadow’s $25.00 gift certificate. L-R: Austin Ott, Tyler Swanson, Jourdan DeLeau and Adam Penland.
- First-Place Score 51/-21 under par: GRAINGER TEAM L-R Cole Wade, Mark Ford, Jerry Westhoff, and Jeff Boss. Each player on Team Grainger won an 18-round of golf at The Meadows. Congrats to all.
- AND….the raffle prize winner of a Herman Miller Mirra 2 Office Chair goes to – Andrew Huizen with Huizen Team! Drawing the random ticket out of the fishbowl was none other than Dave Huizen also with Team Huizen….hmmmmm!! Team Huizen also came in 4th place. Good day for the Huizens. Congrats.
- 2021 ASSP’s Regional Safety Professional of the Year (SPY) Award recipient: James D. McGlothlin. L-R: Rich DeLeau, Chapter President, Jim McGlothlin, Chapter Delegate-Elect, and Brian Oczepek, Region VII, Area A (North) Director.
- Representing the Student Section L-R: Morgan McGrew, S.S. Secretary; Zach Milulec, Past S.S. Vice-President and current Awards & Honors Chair officer; Preston Janeski-Demlow, OSHM student; Jared Nurenberg, S.S. President, Dan Mullens, S.S. Treasurer; and Kasey Wesley, Past S.S. President and current Chapter Education/Program Chair Officer.
Chapter & Student Section Mentor Mentee Program Off to an Exciting Start
Last night we had our ‘first meet and greet’ Mentor/Mentee kick-off event held at the Knickerbocker in downtown Grand Rapids. At this table are Mentor Todd Wiggelsworth – Mentee Ryan Harrower; Mentor Nick Miedema – Mentee Isaac Vander Molen, along with Education Chair Kasey Wesley and her committee member Rich DeLeau.

The Mentors/Mentees were each given a Mentorship Action Plan. In this action plan they had to come up with an agreed upon Goals and what Plans would need to be developed to ensure their goals are met by the end of the program. The Program is a formal 10-week commitment. Afterwards, it’s up to each pair if they would like to continue on an informal basis.”
Program Chair, Kasey Wesley had this to say, “I am eager to roll out this mentorship program and continue building closer bonds with our student chapter, GVSU ASSP. While meeting with the mentor volunteers and the student mentees for our programs first meet and greet, I could feel the excitement in the air and know that this is the start of something spectacular! This program will prove to be valuable and beneficial to not only the mentees, but the mentors as well. Thankful for all of those who have committed their time to helping our students and young safety professionals, and have offered to share their wisdom and experience within the safety world. Looking forward to the continued growth of this mentorship program in upcoming semesters!”
Frederik Meijer Gardens
West Michigan ASSP members tour the capital expansion project at Frederik Meijer Gardens & Sculpture Park during a monthly meeting.

Currently under construction, this $115 million capital expansion project includes several new buildings, totaling over 100,000 sf, and extensive renovations and reconfigurations to the 158-acre campus. O-A-K has overseen all work at the Frederik Meijer Gardens since their inception in 1995. This capital expansion began in September 2017. All facilities will be ready by early 2023. Recently completed: • A new 20,000 sf, LEED-certified Covenant Learning Center, connected to the current facility, featuring six classrooms and an interactive education area (recipient of 2019 ABC Excellence in Construction award) • A new Padnos Rooftop Sculpture Garden on the roof of the Covenant Learning Center • A new Peter C. and Emajean (Pat) Cook Transportation Center to transport people within the 158-acre park • Expanded and upgraded Frederik Meijer Gardens Amphitheater, to increase seating capacity Under construction: • A new 69,000 sf, LEED-certified Welcome Center, featuring a new plaza that will bridge the space between the main entrance and outdoor amphitheater. Upcoming: • A reimagined and expanded BISSELL Inc. Scenic Corridor • A new Meijer-Shedleski Picnic Pavilion • Expanded and accessible parking and urban gardens